Sunday, November 11, 2007

By the way...

Yes, by the way, I got this the other day...

I got it from some suss shop in the middle of nowhere. Or from Burwood Vicroads. Now I will drive to your house, and steal your food when you are not looking. Got it a week ago, also, and am just slow to share this with the blog world.

And, you may have noticed I put "Scanned image only" over it. I wasn't sure how many laws I was breaking by scanning it, so I figured it might be nice to have that there. And because it looks professional. I am professional. I can drive, after all.

Also, by the way, I am doing exams at the moment, and that is why I am not blogging much. No it is not because of blogwall, but because of exams. In three days, though, there will be only one left, and that should be awesome. I then have a week or more between to maybe do some mroe blogging, and maybe find my old form again.
Cheers for now,
