Wednesday, August 08, 2007


For the last four years, approximately, there has been a game in existance, known as Blob. At first, it started out as a pen and paper game I ran for my siblings and friends on a holiday. After that, I ran it as a pen and paper game, using MS paint for my siblings. Following this, I transformed Blob into an online e-mail game. The first online e-mail version of Blob is now referred to as Blob version 3. Version 4 of Blob has just concluded and verison 5 is about to start.
Basically, I wanted to blog about it because it is a game that has occupied much of my time, and I like very much. I want the whole woprld to know and understand just how grat blob is. Yes, it is that great.
So, what is this blob? Well. I shall give all those uneducated oens out there the run down. Primarily, you own a virtual pet known as a blob. As the owner of this blob, you get to move your blob around a map, pick up items to sustain your hunger, replenish HP and fill your wallet. You also get to find shops, buy items, weapons, and if you work up enough experience, undertake an evolution, by which you get to make subtle choices as to what your blob will grow up to look and be like. And what do you do with your blob? You search the map for other people's blobs, and you fight them! Eventually, one blob in a fight is so much stronger than another, that the loser blob in the fight loses so much HP that they are killed. When one blob is left on the map, that blob is the winner. I don't know whether that description of blob makes sense. I hope it does. If not, you can ask me all you want about this fantastic game!
Now, every time I get the commands for what each blob is to do for that turn, I write them down, and move everybody on the map, and do what was asked of their blob. Then, I send a picture of the blobs back. The picture I send back, in essence, is your blob. A blob picture contains an image of what your blob looks like, items and all, as well as their stats, hunger, health, strength and magic. The picture also contains a small section of the map, so that the blob owner can decide which direction to travel in next. There is also a space for availiable items for purchase, if you are near enough to a shop.
What a great game blob is!

This, here, is the blob picture you get sent for every turn you make. You can see the picture of the blob (Named "Eye's Envy"), and stats, money etc. and the section of the map. This is what a standard blob looked like in Blob version 3.

This, here is a certain blob from Blob version 4, named Princess Sparkle. This is the version of blob that has recently concluded, with a blob named Duke as it's winner. The look and stats of this blob have been developed according to the evolution choices made by the blob owner. E.g. thie owner of this blob chose evolutions such as an "Air" evolution, which is mostly why it looks like some form of eagle person.

This is what a blob will look like in the new version of Blob, known to most as Blob 5. It is very similar to blob 4, although it has an isometric map, and 3-d graphs etc. It looks better, basically, and the owners have more options and things to do. Awesome. Blob is awesome.



B.C. said...

Shotgun winning. YES! Goooo DUKE!

emmalee said...

i still dont completely understand the concept.
but from what ive heard, and read, i think it sounds really awesome.
ur very very clever :]
.. p.s
yayy dukeee

some girl said...

Yay! blob is again.

Jono said...

Blob blob blob blob blob blob blob blob BLOB BLOB BLOB BLOB, BLOB BLOB!
Now, what tune was I singing that to?

Sime said...

I shotgun not getting killed by Petty...

B.C. said...

I shotgun killing Simon. You were singing it to the baseball song.