Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Such a Brilliant Hat

I was a little bush xark, and very little was me.
Little enough to be afraid of even a simple bee.

Once on a stormy night, or even in the morning.
Very cold leaves, were falling onto the awning.

Enthusiastically, I bounced and rolled around in the cold.
Yawning, also, because I was so tired, and so old.

"Oh my!" I said. "Would you look at that!"
"Under that tree trunk, a beautiful hat!"

Lying on my back, I rolled over to the item that I saw.
A magnificent hat it was! A hat that many would adore.

Under that nice and splendid hat, which sat atop my head,
Rejoicing, indeed, I was! Even though I should have been in bed.

Enemies, baddies, and goblins appeared in the cold night.
Nevertheless, I was happy, and did not feel a fright.

A few more came, yet I remained quite alright.
Light seemed surround me, and all was very bright.

"What a nice hat!" I said, while storing it in my pack, which in comparison, was lighter.
"A very nice hat, indeed! This hat really does make the world seem brighter."

Yawning again, I realised how much I loved this hat in my pack.
So very much, that brilliant hat. All the way to Neptune and back.


Jono said...

I like writing silly poetry, as may be deduced by several of the psots I have put on this blog.
I wrote this one while in a very floaty, happy mood. Ah, and what a nice hat that hat was, indeed.
Also, for those who do not know, a bush xark is a very close relative of a bush vark. You should find the book called "Bush Vark's First Day Out". Then read it. It was my favourite book as a child.

B.C. said...

Silly. hehe.

What does the hat look like? It better be blue. Nobody wears beige hats.

Jono said...

What does the hat look like? Well... that's up to the interpretation of the reader. And it is so not blue. Sorry.

emmalee said...

i wear beige hats!

some girl said...

It must be a small hat to fit one so small.

Lauren Pinches said...

I am so that Hat!!
It is not a blue hat, not a green one, not a pink one or a red one, yet the Hat is the most awesome Lauren.
Read the side of this post and find out how much I am loved and how awesome I am as a Hat.
I love Jono to Neptune and back also.

Ps. I wonder if anyone will acually read this.

Jono said...

Haha, I read it. And yes, you did pick what the hat actually was when I wrote this poem. And the letters down the side. Awesome. Imagine if I did that by mistake, and it was just a coincidence! That would be strange. But it was not a mistake.

Jono said...

I love you to neptune and back, also.